So it seems one of John McCain’s lines last night, which involved referring to Barack Obama as “that one,” when speaking about who voted for an energy bill back in 2005, has caught a lot of attention. Apparently some ABC staff (and apparently readers of ABC.com, not that I’d take their opinion as anything worthwhile) view it as racist, and that “folks are going to remember that.”
I’m sorry, but Obama was anything other than half black, we would not have seen any comments or viewpoints like this. Someone may claim McCain is using racial comments to try and break voters from Obama, but it’s far easier to see that Obama is trying to gain sympathy votes by playing the race card. What makes it even more amusing is that many Obama supporters refer to Obama as “the one”! If people are going to play these stupid games, don’t make hypocrites out of yourselves.
As someone who is half minority himself, I don’t live to pick up everything that could be considered a racial comment. Why? Because I don’t care, and because playing race cards makes someone just as bad as the person who made the comment, even if it’s a comment that’s actually intended to be racist.
Just the same, in this case, there was no comment that was actually racist. Just over actors and supporters of a candidate that, no matter what context something is used, they try to use it against those who originally said it.
Delusion? Very much so. You want to heal the "racial divide" everyone says is out there? Playing the race card isn't going to do so.
Lead/Founding Author
The Conservative Column
Photo credit: Getty Images/ Reuters.
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