I realize this blog is built of the ideals of party lines and ideologies, but as an American, I also realize that, no matter how far apart our parties may be, there is one thing we, as a people, can connect on…
Some might consider this world shattered. We hear so much on how our values are failing; our society lost – lost among party lines, ideologies, and viewpoints – which seem to take forefront over what we should consider and hold dear: America. As Americans try to cope with his time of strife and conflict, many seem to think the easy way out would be to adopt exotic new ideals on where we should head, looking to the future, but during this time, we must find a way back to our traditions and values. We are more similar than most of wish to admit, yet we seem to try and stand so far apart. The “golden age” is lost, many seem to say. A time of prosperity and united countrymen, of what this country was built upon, and, for. Yet, looking at the last one hundred years, where was that golden age that so many seem to say is lost? It’s out there; simply mixed with times of great troubles, and times of great conflicts. It’s always been there, no matter what we may face, but, nevertheless, we must look to our past, to form a great future.
Americans are, without doubt, some of the greatest people on this planet – free, yet, not always realizing how proud they should be for what we have built. People flock to our country, for its opportunities, for the American Dream. It’s very much alive, but if we do not realize what we have, we will only stand to lose it all. We may have problems at hand, but we must look to the foundations of our country, and gain strength and pride from it, and realize that, while we will always have party lines and differences, as Americans – we can become one. No different than one another – a united force, one that can build our future into something greater than we’ve ever seen in our past. Not from an idea brought on the wings of change, but a view brought from our past, to secure a place for our future. Traditions – of American Spirit. Values – of American Pride.
Regardless of its hardships, America is, has, and always will be, the greatest country this world has ever known, and will ever see. No matter what we must endure, and no matter what we are tested with, America will indeed succeed, and learning from our past will help better equip us for what we may face in our future, and even then, if we hold the traditions and values of America near, and we work together, we can unite for the greater good, and face any foe – any threat – and we will succeed. It all comes down to us all, if we, as people, are mature and clear minded enough, to understand how our history, traditions, and values, are the most important things we must pass down through the ages, to protect this great nation, if we do in fact hold it dear enough.
I haven’t always shown my pride – there were times I took everything in this country for granted, and thought nothing of it. As I mature, I see more and more of why and how glad I am to be American, and how this country is, and always will be, one of my greatest loves. I’ve come to realize what the truth is behind the American dream. Even with party lines and political ideals, there will always be a place where I am more than proud to be American, and understand, before anything else, that I, we – indeed, all of us – can connect on a level above our differences, and unite on one thing. I know that we will always move on from our hardships, and move towards to a better future – prosperous and free. America is the greatest land that the human race will ever know, and it will always be.
No matter where we end up, I will always love this country, and will forever be proud, to be an American.
Annuit cœptis - E pluribus unum - Novus ordo seclorum.
In closing, people who know me know my views as a Republican are strong and partisan, but for my own convictions. When it comes to people in general, whether they agree with me or not, if they are a true American, they are a friend in my book, regardless of political ideals, and if need be, I'd work to see the betterment of the nation, regardless of party.
Lead/Founding Author
The Conservative Column
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